newsletter 11th June 2017

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Newsletter 11th June 2017

Today is Trinity Sunday: to complete the Easter Season we celebrate the feast of the most Holy Trinity.

The Justice and Peace Group are organising a Coffee morning today in the Angelus Room after the morning Masses.

There is a second collection today for the National Catholic Fund, which supports the central administration of the Church in this country.  For many years I was a Trustee of this Fund but have been retired for some years.

This coming week, from Monday, the Mass texts are taken from the 10th week in ordinary time.

We are looking forward to the Confirmations on 24th June. Goodness knows how to fit everybody into the Church: at the latest count there are 5o candidates, but we will have a wonderful celebration.

The feast Corpus Christi has now been moved to next Sunday: at one time it used to be on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.

An advance note that the next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 21st June at 8pm. I will put out agendas and papers next Sunday.

To catch up with a few things: I have renewed the cooker and the stove in the hall. I estimate the old ones were well over 20 years old and were beginning to show their age. Please take care to keep them clean and not to break anything.   Also, following the Health and Safety Visit, some new gas fire extinguishers, gas detectors in various places and some new smoke alarms for the house.

I mentioned at Mass recently the need for some new Eucharistic Ministers to help with the chalice at Mass on Sundays. To date no responses, but if anybody would like to help could they please let me know.

In the garden I am pleased to report that the new cherry tree seems to be doing well. The olive trees seem to be a bit slow in producing fruit but maybe they are waiting for warmer days. My second pot of basil is sprouting and is well protected against birds and squirrels and foxes.

Now some really “nerdy” information. The Mercedes buses operating on route 108, after being retired from Red Arrow services are nos. 1-10, 12, 17, 20, 25 27, 30, 32, 37, 46 and 50: a total of 20. There were originally 50 but the others have been taken out of service in London and sold.

Request already about the First Communion programme for next year. I will put out the inscription forms at the end of July.

Quite a busy week: to a meeting at Coulsdon on Monday and to Lewisham Town Hall in the evening: the priests of the Deanery meet on Tuesday and there is a meeting at the Sixth Form College on Wednesday.

Friday is the feast of St. Richard of Chichester, so here is his familiar prayer: Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which thou has given to me, for all the pains and insults which thou has borne for me, O most merciful friend, brother and Redeemer; may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, and follow thee more nearly.

A verse from Rossetti:

I have been here before,

But when or how I cannot tell:

I know the grass beyond the door,

The sweet keen smell,

The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.

Just room for a simple recipe: something I tried the other day: a lean pork chop: season well on both sides with pepper salt and some English mustard: cook gently in some olive oil and butter until it is nicely browned on both sides and serve with some green beans.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon


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