5, Cresswell Park, SE3 9RD
Tel. 020 8852 5420
E-mail: stm.Blackheath@tiscali.co.uk
Website: www.stmarysblackheath.org.uk
Mass times: Saturday: 6.30 pm (first Mass of Sunday) Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am, 7.30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 7.30 am Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10.00 am Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.00 pm
Today is the Thirty Second Sunday of the Church’s year.
It is Remembrance Sunday and the 11 am Mass will be a Requiem for the dead of the World Wars.
There is a second collection today for the Archbishop’s Administration Fund.
Next Saturday the Choir will be singing Divine Office in the Church. There will be morning prayer or Lauds at 9.15am and evening prayer or Vespers at 5.30pm. If you normally come to the Masses, please arrive early so that you can share in the prayers.
For a variety of reasons to Parish AGM and the meetings of the Parish Council have been postponed. We must catch up with these and the meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 21st November at 8pm in the house. I will put out the agenda papers next week.
Many of you will have known Sue Gyde – for help with the Children’s Liturgy and as a Governor at Christ the King College. Sadly, she died at the end of October. Her funeral was at her family home in South Wales but the family have arranged a memorial Mass. This will take place in the Church at 3pm on Saturday 14th December.
The boy and his sister now have two cousins who live near-by. The younger is a boy who was born earlier this year. He is already dragged about to share in their games – and their Facebook pictures – but he seems to be able to survive it all. A picture of him this week exhausted and fast asleep after a Halloween party.
In the big hall you might have noticed that we have replaced the water tank above the entrance. This means that the water flow for the cisterns and the wash basins will be greatly improved. Lots of work to keep it all clean.
A prayer for the Holy Souls:
Grant to the souls of your servants departed the remission of all their sins that through our pious supplication they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired.
This is Walter de la Mare
If I were Lord of Tartary,
Myself, and me alone,
My bed should be of ivory
Of beaten gold my throne.
There is a new bus route from Kidbrooke to North Greenwich station. The number is 355 and is operated by the Go Ahead group. It comes down Kidbrooke Park Road but I must try and discover the details of the remainder of the route. At present it is operated by Trident Enviro 400s.
My basil plants continue to thrive on the window ledge but the leaves are still subject to attacks. I hide in wait for the bugs so that I can destroy them but as yet have not found any. I think that they must come out in the middle of the night.
Here is the recipe: make a salad with some French beans, some diced potatoes and some skinned and seeded tomatoes. Mix with some mayonnaise and season well. Poach some eggs and when cool, coat them with some stiff mayonnaise and put them on top of the salad. (maybe this not very good as a winter dish).
And a thought from Virginia Woolf: When you asked me to speak about women and fiction I sat down on the banks of a river and began to wonder what the words meant.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon