Newsletter 10th December 2023

St Mary’s Blackheath

Newsletter 10th December 2023

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 6.30pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

Saturday 10am and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent.  Purple vestments and no Gloria at the Sunday Mass. The gospel today speaks of John the Baptist, the pre-cursor of the Lord.

We have our Advent Carol Service today at 5pm.  Please come to share in this – a splendid service of readings, carols and music.

It means that for one week, the Sunday evening Mass is moved to the later time of 6.30pm.

There is a Eucharistic service in the Church on Wednesday morning 10am.

The Giving Tree is now ready at the back of the Church and you will be able to leave your donations.

The charts are up on the notice board for the three mystery plays – on 17th December, on Christmas Day and on 7th January. Please add you names today so that we can prepare the booklets and the costumes. 

A busy week ahead as I will be continuing with a round of visits to Greenwich schools: we made several visits last week.

All seems to be in order for the procession through the Village on Christmas Eve. We  will be starting from outside our Church at 4.30.

A reminder that there will be a Mass at 6.30 on Christmas Eve. This replaces the normal 5pm Mass and is the first Mass of Christmas.

An old English hymn;

Of one that is so fair and bright,

Velut maris stella,

Brighter that the days light,

Parens et puella,

I cry to thee; thou see to me!

Lad, pray thy son for me

Tam pia,

That I mote come to thee,


A new high speed line has opened in Spain from Leon to Oviedo.  It takes a direct route with several lengthy tunnels. The old line took a tortuous route through the Cantabrian mountains: it was electrified in 1957 and was well known for its English Electric locomotives built in Manchester. 

And some Gilbert and Sullivan today:

Though the Philistines jostle, you will rank as an apostle in the high aesthetic band.

If you walk down Piccadilly with a poppy or a lilly in your mediaeval hand.

Readers are needed for the first mass of Christmas at 6.30 pm on 24 th December 2023 and for the pre -midnight mass service 11.30- midnight. If you would like to read please contact Clodagh Woodall asap or give your details to Monsignor.

Thanks for all who signed the cards last Sunday: 66 sent to 22 prisoners in 8 countries plus a further 24 cards send to the Jesuit refugee service.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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