Newsletter 10th August 2014.
Friday is the feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady into heaven. It is a holiday day of obligation. Masses in the Church are at 7.30 and 1oam and at 6.30 pm.
The great nephew is delighted with the arrival of a new sister – Anna Alessandra – who was born on 28th July – all is well and we are very pleased to have a new member in our family.
I am busy preparing the Jubilee Mass for 31st August. There will be some favourite hymns, some familiar readings and some splendid music from the choir. I hope you have been working on some recipes for food that we can share afterwards. I might even be able to find some wine from Spain for you to enjoy.
Thanks to all who have sent in the forms for the Confirmation and First Holy Communion classes. I hope to have some timetables for you within the next week or so. Any last minute forms as I need to order the books?
I am pleased to be able to tell you that Bishop Lynch has agreed to come to the parish for Confirmations on Sunday 10th May next year so you will need to reserve this date.
A prayer for you:
Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the day and the night, that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of our fleeting world may rest upon they eternal changelessness, through the everlasting Christ Our Lord. Amen
The magnolia is doing very well: almost all the flowers had budded: they only last for a few days but the perfume is wonderful. So far the snails have not found my pot of basil. It is perfect for a salad made with cherry tomatoes. The new pot of curled parsley seems to be doing well. I must try a few more pots of herbs. This year I could not find any sunflower seeds.
A few things to tidy up during the summer months. The roof of one of the garages in the garden had collapsed and we had to renew it. Also the wooden walls of the flower beds at the back of the Church have rotted away and need to be replaced. This is in addition to the major works to the houses that are taking place at present.
Always inventing curious recipes and you might try this. Cook some large potatoes and cream them with a pat of butter, a small amount of milk and some black pepper. As the mixture cools, blend in a moderate amount of mayonnaise. Place in the fridge and cool overnight. The mixture should be fairly firm and mould some small potato cakes. Cook in some hot oil until they are browned on both sides, taking care that they do not stick to the pan. They go very well with fried eggs or possibly with some cold meat.
This week some John Donne:
The ends crowne our works, but thou crown’st our ends,
For, at our end begins our endlesse rest;
The first last end, now zealously possest,
With a stronger sober thirst, my soule attends.
Tis time that heart and voice be lifted high,
Salvation to all that will is nigh.
Is it my imagination, or have the new Dennis Alexander buses operating route 54 become quite noisy. They have partial electric traction, until the diesel motor kicks in, to reduce fuel consumption and fumes – and possibly noise. However after a few months in service they seem to have developed a throaty roar from the exhaust. (When we were boys it was easy to distinguish the smooth engine note of the AEC RTs from the more pronounced diesel knock of the Leyland RTLs)
I have been reading some Churchill recently. Here is his description of Molotov: “One delicate, searching, awkward interview after another was conducted with perfect poise, impenetrable purpose ad bland, official correctitude. Never a chink was opened. Never a needless jar was made. His smile of Siberian winter, his carefully measured and often wise words, his affable demeanour, combined to make him the perfect agent of Soviet policy in a deadly world.
A new pastime for the altar servers is to see how many letters of the alphabet you can construct using three matchsticks. It is much more difficult than it seems and requires some ingenious solutions. We are nearly there but there still some problems. Any suggestions for a G ? (Obviously I should be concentrating on more serious matters)
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login