Offertory £1182.64
Newsletter 16th October 2011.
I will be visiting the College in Spain during the coming week, this year with a group of eight from the parish. We leave on Tuesday and should be back by Saturday afternoon if all goes with the Ryanair flight.
On Monday I am across at Canary Wharf for a meeting.
The Bishop will be able to say the Mass on Tuesday and Thursday and I have asked the Eucharistic ministers to help on the other days.
There is the second collection today for the Needs of the Diocese, the fund that helps some of the smaller parishes. Next Sunday there will be a second collection for the Missions.
Monday is the feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch and Tuesday is the feast of St. Luke.
On Friday 21st October there will be a Holy Hour at the Convent at 2.30pm for the Companions of the Sacred Heart.
A prayer for today:
O Christ, my Lord, I pray that you will turn my heart to you in the depths of my being, where with the noise of creatures silenced and the clamour of bothersome thoughts stilled, I shall find you always present.
Another recipe we brought back from Italy: you will need a firm but fairly sweet apple. Peel, core and cut the fruit into small squares. Flavour with some cinnamon and some clear honey. Serve with some ice cream. I hope to bring some recipes back from Spain.
An origin of a well known phrase in today’s poem.
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget – lest we forget.
This comes from Recessional by Kipling.
The garden group would like your view on how the garden might be developed once the tidy up has been completed. A plain showing their proposals is on display in the Angelus Room. You are invited to take a look at it and let the group have your comments. Paper and pens are available. The group wants the garden to reflect the wishes of everybody so your comments will be welcomed and considered carefully.
This year we will not be having an Advent Retreat but will hold a Retreat in Lent next year.
The Film Club for the younger people is going well. Would anyone be interested in organising a Film Club for Older People, possibly in the afternoon? Everything that is required – including films – can be provided in the Angelus Room.
I hope to provide a sample of a Sunday Missal when it is available. You will then be able to order a copy if you wish.
We hope to have a further Opera for Africa next year.
The refurbishment of the big hall has gone well. Apart from the cleaning and repainting, the overhaul of the lighting system has made a great difference.
Here is something from Ruskin, who seems impossible nowadays:
It would take me no reasonable or endurable time, if I were to pint out one half of the various kinds and classes of falsehood which the inventive faculties of the old masters succeeded in originating, in the drawing of foregrounds. (This is from “Modern Painters”. It is difficult to understand why he was treated with such reverence. I have some wonderful leather copies of his books – purchased from a market stall – which must have been a great treasure at one time.)
As the Blackheath train left Victoria the other evening, we passed a Battle of Britain steam locomotive coming down the slope into the station with an excursion train: it was almost like the 1950s once again.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon