Newsletter 3rd November 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Holy Hour Wednesday 13th November 5.30pm-6.30pm

The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill will have its Second Reading on 29th November 2024, and The Archbishop has asked that we, as an archdiocese, come together in prayer and action to uphold the dignity of human life.We will therefore be holding a Holy Hour with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday 13th November from 5.30pm-6.30pm. Please write to your MP to ask them to oppose this dangerous threat to the dignity and value of human life. The following link will provide you with the details of your local MP

Masses for the Holy Souls during November

Envelopes have been printed to enable you to place the names of the deceased in them, and hand them in so that they can be included in our Masses for the dead throughout November. A Mass stipend may also be included at your discretion.

Meeting For First Holy Communion Parents

The deadline for 1st Holy Communion enrolment has now passed. The enrolment Mass is on Sunday 10th November at 9:30am. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.

Confirmation 2025

The new forms for the Confirmation programme will be given out after Masses next week. Please fill out the forms and return them by the end of November. The sessions will begin in January.

Manna Centre Appeal

Next weekend there will be an appeal to support the work of “Manna Homeless Men’s Centre.”

Little Quavers Music for Toddlers, Babies and Carers.

A brand new music class lead by experienced practitioner is starting on 18th November on Mondays 10.30- 12 noon in the Angelus Room Fun music activities for you and your baby/toddler followed by refreshments which are included in the price. Places limited.  For further information or to secure a place in the class call or text Theresa on +447806 473785 or email

Cost £10 or £40 for block booking of 5 classes in advance.


The recent collection in aid of CAFOD raised £431.36.

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Newsletter 27th October 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

All Saints Day

On Friday 1st November the Solemnity of All Saints there will be Masses at 9.30am and 7.30pm.

Masses for the Holy Souls during November

Praying for the dead is a long-standing Christian tradition. In November we particularly remember those who have died. Envelopes have been printed to enable you to place the names of the deceased in them, and hand them in so that they can be included in our Masses for the dead throughout November. A Mass stipend may also be included at your discretion.

Meeting For First Holy Communion Parents

The deadline for 1st Holy Communion enrolment has now passed. The enrolment Mass is on Sunday 10th November at 9:30am. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.

Church Cleaning

Church cleaning takes place on Saturdays after the 10am Mass. All are welcome to come and help. Within the next few weeks a rota will be established when the church is at a good general level of cleanliness. If you would like to join the regular rota please put your name down on the sign up sheet at the back of the church.

Justice & Peace Group Meeting

St Mary’s Justice & Peace Group meet today at 12.00 in the Angelus Room.

Readers Rota

We’re looking for readers to join the weekly rota for 2025.  We welcome parents and children who would like to share in proclaiming God’s word at the 9.30 Family Mass. Please contact Clodagh Woodall ( if you feel you can aid our Liturgical worship in this way.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy continues to run in the Angelus room every Sunday during the 9.30 Mass. All children that are participating begin Mass in the church with their families, and then Fr Paul or Fr Frazer will bless the Bible for the children to take to liturgy group and they will then go to the Angelus room, there continues to be a rota of parents leading the liturgy and we welcome more volunteers. A DBS check will be required.

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Newsletter 20th October 29th Sunday Ordinary Time B

Meeting For First Holy Communion Parents

All forms for the First Holy Communion course 2024-2025 are due this weekend. The enrolment Mass is on Sunday 10th November at 9:30am. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.

Church Cleaning

Thank you to those who came last Saturday morning to help clean the church. We’ve made a good start and over the next few Saturdays church cleaning will take place after the 10am Mass. All are welcome to come and help. A rota will be established when the church is at a good general level of cleanliness.

New Weekday Mass Time

From Monday 21st October the morning Mass from Monday to Friday will be at 9.30am. Mass on Saturday mornings will remain at the same time of 10am. Weekend Mass times remain unchanged.

Adoration & Benediction

On all Fridays starting from Friday 25th October there will be a period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 9.30am Mass until Benediction at Noon.

Justice & Peace Group Meeting

The next St Mary’s Justice & Peace Group meeting is on Sunday 27 Oct at 12.00 in the Angelus Room.

Readers Rota

We’re looking for readers to join the weekly rota for 2025. We welcome parents and children who would like to share in proclaiming God’s word at the 9.30 Family Mass. Please contact Clodagh Woodall ( if you feel you can aid our Liturgical worship in this way.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy continues to run in the Angelus room every Sunday during the 9.30 Mass. All children that are participating begin Mass in the church with their families, and then Fr Paul or Fr Frazer will bless the Bible for the children to take to liturgy group and they will then go to the Angelus room, there continues to be a rota of parents leading the liturgy and we welcome more volunteers. A DBS check will be required.

Assisted Dying Bill

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop of Westminster, has asked Catholics to be fully engaged in the debate on Assisted Dying and to write to their MPs to oppose assisted suicide being rushed into law.

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Newsletter 13th October 2024 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Year B

Parish Email

Please note that the only email address now for all correspondence with your priests at Our Lady Help of Christians is Please do NOT use Thank you.

Church Cleaning

Thank you to those who came on Saturday morning to help clean the church. We’ve made a good start and over the next few Saturdays church cleaning will take place after the 10am Mass. All are welcome to come and help. A rota will be established when the church is at a good general level of cleanliness.

New Weekday Mass Time

From Monday 21st October the morning Mass from Monday to Fridays will be at 9.30am. Mass on Saturday mornings will remain at the same time of 10am. Weekend Mass times remain unchanged.

New 1st Holy Communion Course Forms Available

The 1st Holy Communion Course will begin on 16th November. Parents will need to take a new form which will be available this Sunday after Masses. Please see Fr. Paul or Fr. Frazer to obtain a form. The previous forms were non-GDPR compliant, and therefore, even if you filled out the previous form you still need to take a new form and return it by 20th October. You MUST INCLUDE your child’s Baptism Certificate if they were not baptised here at St Mary’s. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

Confirmation Course

New forms for the Confirmation Course will be released in due course.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies

The CCRS presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

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Newsletter 6th October 27th Sunday Year B

Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday.   Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 8am and Saturday Morning 10am

Parish Email

Please note that the only email address now for all correspondence with your priests at Our Lady Help of Christians is Please do NOT use Thank you.

New 1st Holy Communion Course Forms Available

The 1st Holy Communion Course will begin on 16th November. Parents will need to take a new form which will be available this Sunday after Masses. Please see Fr. Paul or Fr. Frazer to obtain a form. The previous forms were non-GDPR compliant, and therefore, even if you filled out the previous form you still need to take a new form and return it by 20th October. You MUST INCLUDE your child’s Baptism Certificate if they were not baptised here at St Mary’s. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

Confirmation Course

New forms for the Confirmation Course will be released in due course.

New Weekday Mass time

After consultation with our midweek Mass congregation, we will soon trial a new morning Mass time of 9:30am from Monday to Friday. The Saturday morning Mass time of 10am will remain the same. We will see how this goes and welcome any feedback.

Church Cleaning Rota

We are inviting parishioners to sign up to a church cleaning rota on Saturday mornings after the 10am    Mass. We will begin on Saturday 13th October. If you are able to spare an hour please consider adding your name to the list at the back of the church. The more volunteers that come forward, the more the workload will be shared.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies

The CCRS presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

CAFOD Appeal

This weekend there will be a collection to support the work of CAFOD. Envelopes are at the back of the church.

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29th September 2024 – 26th Sunday Year B


Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 8am and Saturday Morning 10am

Parish Email

Please note that the only email address now for all correspondence with your priests at Our Lady Help of Christians is Please do NOT use Thank you.

New 1st Holy Communion Course Forms Available

The 1st Holy Communion Course will begin on 16th November. Parents will need to take a new form which will be available this Sunday after Masses. Please see Fr. Paul or Fr. Frazer to obtain a form. The previous forms were non-GDPR compliant, and therefore, even if you filled out the previous form you still need to take a new form and return it by 20th October. You MUST INCLUDE your child’s Baptism Certificate if they were not baptised here at St Mary’s. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

Confirmation Course

New forms for the Confirmation Course will be released in due course.

Parish Catechists Required

We are still looking for Catechists who are available and willing to help run the 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation courses. Please come forward if you feel able to help our young people in preparing for these great sacraments. A DBS background check will be required.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies

The CCRS is a knowledge-based, internationally recognised qualification that provides participants with an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith.  It enhances the understanding that education within the Church is a life-long process which leads to greater intimacy with Jesus Christ.  This course presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

CAFOD Appeal

This weekend representatives from CAFOD will be making an appeal in advance of a collection next week. Envelopes are at the back of the church.

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22nd September 2024 – 25th Sunday Year B


Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 8am and Saturday Morning 10am

Parish Email

Please note that the only email address now for all correspondence with your priests at Our Lady Help of Christians is Please do NOT use Thank you.

New 1st Holy Communion Course Forms

The 1st Holy Communion Course will begin on 16th November. Parents will need to take a new form which will be available from next Sunday. The previous forms were non-GDPR compliant and therefore new forms will be issued. Even if you filled out the previous form, you will still need to take a new form and return it by 20th October and you MUST INCLUDE your child’s Baptism Certificate if they were not baptised here at St Mary’s. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 5th November at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

Confirmation Course

New forms for the Confirmation Course will also be released in due course.

Parish Catechists Required

We are still looking for Catechists who are available and willing to help run the 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation courses. Please come forward if you feel able to help our young people in preparing for these great sacraments. A DBS background check will be required.

Diocesan Day for Catechists

Saturday 28th September is the annual “Diocesan Day for Catechists.” If you are about to become a Catechist here at Blackheath you are invited to a day filled with teachings and prayer with a chance to meet fellow Catechists.  Held at St George’s Cathedral from 10am. Registration and choice of workshops can be found at Attendance is encouraged but not obligatory. If you cannot make it this year then perhaps consider for next year?

A Day with Mary

A day of Marian Devotion will be held at St. Anselm, 89 West Hill, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2HJ on Saturday 19th October 2024. The day commences at 9.30am. Please bring a packed lunch.

Prayers of the Faithful

Thank you to those who have contacted the parish to volunteer to write bidding prayers. We will be in contact with you directly via email to arrange a short training session.

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Newsletter 15th September 2024

Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 8am

                               Saturday Morning 10am

Thank you from Fr. Paul & Fr. Frazer

Fr. Frazer and myself would like to say a huge thank you for the extremely kind and enthusiastic welcome that we have received. It is evident that we’ve arrived in a very friendly parish, and we were equally impressed with the solemnity of the Liturgy and the beautiful singing of the choir. We look forward to getting to know you better over the forthcoming weeks.

Confirmation and 1st Holy Communion

We have received a number of forms for the 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes. 1st Holy Communion catechesis will most likely begin in November and Confirmation catechesis in December. If you have missed out on filling in a form, please contact us. Please be patient as information will be provided in due course about both formation programmes.

Parish Catechists Required

It will not be possible to run the 1st Holy Communion or Confirmation classes without your help! If you have prior experience of helping at such programmes, or you would be willing to help impart your knowledge of the faith to the young people of our parish, please get in touch. A DBS check would be required. We will need to put together a small team of Catechists in order to make these programmes go ahead, don’t be shy!

Prayers of the Faithful

It would be wonderful if we could gather a team of people who would be willing to write the Sunday prayers of the faithful- bidding prayers. A team of eight people would result in each person writing the prayers once every two months. It would be great to reflect the prayerful needs of the parish and to encourage active participation in the life of parish in this way. We will put on a training session one evening to get us going.

Have a blessed Week. Fr. Paul & Fr. Frazer.

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8th September 2024


Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

                              Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 8am

                                 Saturday Morning 10am

A message from Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

A word to thank you all for the wonderful celebration last Sunday – the Mass in the Church and the party in the garden afterwards.  It was a day that we will always remember. Thanks to those who organised everything, particularly Chris Smith and also Tim who arranged the music for the Mass. And thank you  for your wonderful messages and many gifts which are much appreciated and will be treasured. Kindest wishes and blessings to you all. Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

A message from Fr Paul

Thank you to all those who have made me welcome this week. Commencing in any new parish is always daunting and comes with challenges. I have survived my first week! I am sure there are many discussions that will take place over time however I ask you to be patient with me. I am sure I will make many unintentional mistakes as I get used to the Blackheath way of doing things. I know for me it is a privilege to be appointed to this parish and I am confident with God’s help we will move forward together in faith as a community gathered in the love of our Lord, our saviour and redeemer. Please pray for Fr Frazer and me as we settle in to our new appointment.

Confirmation and Holy Communion

I have received the forms from Monsignor Rothon. Over the coming weeks Fr Frazer and myself will sit down to discuss how these programmes will be run. I anticipate the First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday Mornings and the Confirmation Programme will take place Saturday evenings prior to the 6.30pm Mass. Hopefully we will commence the First Holy Communion Programme in November and Confirmation Programme commencing in December. I plan to have these sacraments celebrated in May next year. If there are members of this parish who would like to become Catechists for these programmes then please speak with me. Safeguarding checks will be required. Passing on the faith to our younger members of the parish can be a very fulfilling ministry.

Sunday Masses Prayers of the Faithful (more properly called the Universal Prayer)

I would like to gather a team within the parish who will be willing to write the Sunday prayers of the faithful – bidding prayers. A team of 8 will result in each person writing them once every 2 months. In the past I have found that when a few people are involved in this ministry the prayers more accurately reflect the prayerful needs of the parish. Full training will be given. Please speak with me if you are interested. We will run a little training session one evening to get us going.

Have a blessed Week

Fr Paul

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Newsletter 1st September 2024

Newsletter 1st September 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

 Sunday 9.30 and 11am 

Weekday Masses

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

Saturday Mass at 10am and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Twenty Second Sunday of the Church’s year.

A final newsletter from the present author.   The writer will be departing on Monday morning.  The new Parish Priest, Father Kyne will arrive on Monday and the curate, Father Bellfield is due to arrive later in the week.

The heading gives the timetable for this Sunday, but it is possible that with two priests, the timetable will be revised in the coming weeks.

You will be able to see the boy, Dexter, and his sister, Anna, reading at the 11am Mass and also their cousin Eva. Also my niece Catherine will be reading. 

Tuesday is the feasts of St. Gregory the Great, the Pope who sent St. Augustine to England.

Countless recipes, consultation with volumes of poetry and details of public transport arrangements as well as an up-date on the activities of the boy and his sister.   To put it mildly, the newsletter has been somewhat unusual, but it has been great fun compiling it week by week.    

To add a personal note, the future pattern of the next few weeks is a little uncertain. I will be settling into my new flat, unpacking everything and starting a new way of life. I expect I will continue to see many of you about in the village and other places.  At the time of writing this I am not sure if I will have another job: I am waiting to see if my application for a position as a School Chaplain will be approved. 

Betjeman is always fun:

Rumbling under blackened girders, Midland, bound for Cricklewood,

Puffer its sulphur to the sunset where the Land of Laundries Stood.

No recipe this week – the kitchen has come to an end – I expect it will be beans on toast on many evenings in the future.

Thank you for all the First Communion and Confirmation forms. I will pass these to the new priests, and they will be in touch with you when the new classes have been organised. There are still some forms available in the Church.

My herb pots have flourished in the warm summer days. Even the basil has managed to survive.   Lots of apples on some of the trees though very few cherries and as yet the fig tree is not ready to produce any fruit.   I have tried to clear the ivy from the corner of the house, but it is not easy. A note of warning: ivy can be poisonous, and it left an unpleasant rash for a few days.  Also, a dead tree at the end of the garden had to be removed.  No garden at my new house – in future dried herbs will come in pots from the grocery store.

And to end with a blessing for you all.

May the Lord bless you and watch over you, the Lord make his face shine you and be gracious to you, the Lord look kindly on you and give you peace, and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit remain with you always. 

With best wishes,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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