New Parish Administrator
We are delighted to announce that Jeanette Fernandes will commence as parish administrator on Tuesday 10th December. Office hours will be from 10am to 2pm Tuesday to Friday. The office will be located at the presbytery, No. 5 Cresswell park.
Christmas Carols
There will be a Carol Service at 5pm on Sunday 15th December with Mass immediately following at around 6.30pm
The Immaculate Conception
The Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception will be kept on Monday 9th December with Mass at 9.30am.This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent.
Karen Suddaby Funeral
Many of you knew Karen Suddaby whose mortal remains will be received into the church at 6pm this Sunday. Her Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Monday 9th December at 11am.
Spanish Mass in Honour of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Fr. Frazer will celebrate Mass in Spanish for our Spanish speaking parishioners on Thursday 12th December at 7:30pm in the church.
Christmas Flowers Workshop
Friday 13th December (see notice at back of church). Please contact Ali ( or Joanna ( to confirm you are coming.
A Message from the Parish Justice & Peace Group
Card-signing for Prisoners of Conscience: The Justice and Peace Group invites parishioners to sign a card or two for prisoners of conscience in the Angelus Room after the Sunday Masses this weekend. Cards are provided.
Readers for Christmas Liturgies
Readers are required for both our Carol Service on Sunday 15 December at 5pm and the Christmas masses which are as follows: 6.30pm on 24th December, Midnight Mass 25th December, 9.30 am 25th December and 11am 25th December. If you would like to volunteer please contact Clodagh who would love to hear from you ( or message on 07841 585342)
Confirmation Forms
The deadline for the forms to be returned is this weekend.