Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm
Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 8am
Saturday Morning 10am
A message from Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
A word to thank you all for the wonderful celebration last Sunday – the Mass in the Church and the party in the garden afterwards. It was a day that we will always remember. Thanks to those who organised everything, particularly Chris Smith and also Tim who arranged the music for the Mass. And thank you for your wonderful messages and many gifts which are much appreciated and will be treasured. Kindest wishes and blessings to you all. Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
A message from Fr Paul
Thank you to all those who have made me welcome this week. Commencing in any new parish is always daunting and comes with challenges. I have survived my first week! I am sure there are many discussions that will take place over time however I ask you to be patient with me. I am sure I will make many unintentional mistakes as I get used to the Blackheath way of doing things. I know for me it is a privilege to be appointed to this parish and I am confident with God’s help we will move forward together in faith as a community gathered in the love of our Lord, our saviour and redeemer. Please pray for Fr Frazer and me as we settle in to our new appointment.
Confirmation and Holy Communion
I have received the forms from Monsignor Rothon. Over the coming weeks Fr Frazer and myself will sit down to discuss how these programmes will be run. I anticipate the First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday Mornings and the Confirmation Programme will take place Saturday evenings prior to the 6.30pm Mass. Hopefully we will commence the First Holy Communion Programme in November and Confirmation Programme commencing in December. I plan to have these sacraments celebrated in May next year. If there are members of this parish who would like to become Catechists for these programmes then please speak with me. Safeguarding checks will be required. Passing on the faith to our younger members of the parish can be a very fulfilling ministry.
Sunday Masses Prayers of the Faithful (more properly called the Universal Prayer)
I would like to gather a team within the parish who will be willing to write the Sunday prayers of the faithful – bidding prayers. A team of 8 will result in each person writing them once every 2 months. In the past I have found that when a few people are involved in this ministry the prayers more accurately reflect the prayerful needs of the parish. Full training will be given. Please speak with me if you are interested. We will run a little training session one evening to get us going.
Have a blessed Week
Fr Paul