Newsletter 19th May 2024
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The
Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.
Saturday Mass at 10am
and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1
Today is the Feast of Pentecost in which we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the Apostles. We use the red vestments today. This day is said to be the feast of the birth of the Church.
Congratulations to the 36 children who are making their First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass today. Thanks to all the parents who have supported the children and helped with the classes. It has been a wonderful year and we have all enjoyed it very much. Look out for the tree that the children have planted in the garden to commemorate this day.
So back to Ordinary time once again after the Lenten and Paschaltide seasons. The green vestments come out again. This coming week is the Seventh week in ordinary time. There are still a few more feasts to celebrate. Next week it is Trinity Sunday and following this, Corpus Christi.
Monday is the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, and Saturday the feast of the great English Saint, Bede the Venerable.
A busy week ahead with a number of School and Investment meetings.
I was pleased to welcome Father Kyne for a visit last week and to explain to him some of the workings of our parish. We hope to arrange a meeting with the Parish Council in the coming weeks.
Lots of fun in the garden in recent days – quite a lot to do – cutting the hedge and the lawn, clearing up the leaves and making sure that the pool is clean with the right chemicals.
The builder came for a meeting last week. No urgent works, but a series of small jobs to ensure that everything is kept in good order. The Angelus Room will have a simple redecoration to make sure that it is smart and clean.
My favourite salad at moment is made from some lettuce leaves, a finely sliced apple, and some pieces of avocado pear. It needs to be well dressed with oil and vinegar but goes well with most things.
Do you remember an Inn?
And the tedding and the spreading
Of straw for a bedding,
And the fleas that tease in the High Pyrenees,
And the wine that tasted of tar,
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteers
Under the vine of the dark verandah?
(Belloc is always fun.)
Transform our understanding and our will, O Lord, by the gift of your Holy Spirit: may our minds be subject to your Spirit and all our wishes be directed towards your holy will, to the praise and glory of your name. Amen.
In the next couple of weeks I will be putting out inscription forms for the next set of First Holy Communion classes and also Confirmations. It is not possible to give an indication for the form that these classes will take, but it will be good to register a set of names.
I hope the good summer days will continue.
Best wishes to your all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon