Newswletter 25th August 2024

Newsletter 25th August 2024

Sunday Masses:

 Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am and                                    

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.

Today is the Twenty First Sunday of the Church’s year.

Tuesday is the feast of St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, Wednesday the feast of St. Augustine himself and Thursday the death of John the Baptist.

Monday is the Bank Holiday, and the morning Mass will be at the normal time of 8am. As usual I will be going to work on the railway, but the first train is not until 12 noon so I will have plenty of time to get to Alton. In days gone by, we would have three trains operating but the price of coal means that there is a very reduced service with only one steam engine.

And so, I reach the last week of my days as Parish Priest here. Friday is the actual day of the 60th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I hope that you will be able to attend the celebrations next Sunday – a special Mass at 11am followed by a party in the garden. If you can, bring some food to share. It will be a very special day, and we have decided that there will not be a 5pm Mass on this day – so if you normally come at this time, please think of another time.

My furniture and most of my possessions were moved to my new flat last week. I will be moving finally on 2nd September and Father Kyne will take over as Parish Priest. The new curate, Father Bellfield is due to arrive later in the week.

A final recipe. Hard boil some eggs and when they are cool, cut them in half. Surround with a white sauce and gently sprinkle a small amount of curry powder on the eggs. This is quite an attractive summer dish.

The pool has now been drained and put away in the shed with all the parts and equipment. The patch on the lawn has been sown with some new seed. Who knows? Something might happen next year.

And some Thomas Hardy:

Whither? Who knows, indeed .. and yet

To me, when nights are weird and wet,

Without those comrades there at tryst

Creeping slowly, creeping sadly,]

That lone lane does not exist.

A prayer:

God of wisdom and love, source of all good, send your Spirit to teach us your truth and guide our actions in your way of peace.

Going back 60 years, the week before my ordination was spent at Worth Abbey, in those days a Priory of Downside rather than an Abbey in its own right. Memories of pleasant late summer days in the Sussex countryside. The school was changing from a Prep school into a full school. The Abbey Church was still to be built and the chapel was the Palm House of the original building.

A word of thanks to those who donated to the summer appeal for the benefit of the Food bank. The total received was £790. Thanks also to those who continue to donate food items week by week.

I hope you continue to enjoy the last of the summer days.

Best wishes to you all.

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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