Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday. Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm
Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment
Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 9.30am and Saturday Morning 10am
Wednesdays: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Novena after Morning Mass
Adoration & Benediction: Friday 10am-11am.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday 25th January – 3rd Sunday of the Year C
6.30pm – Maria O’Malley RIP
Sunday 26th January – 3rd Sunday of the Year C
9.30am – Charles Sheehan RIP
11.00am – People of the Parish
5.00pm – Exam Success and God’s Protection for our Children
Monday 27th January – Feria
9.30am – Michael Dixon RIP
Tuesday 28th January – Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church
9.30am – Frank Patton RIP
Wednesday 29th January – Feria
9.30am – Recovery of Mark Bromage
Thursday 30th January – Feria
9.30am – Marie Marguerite Mamedy RIP
Friday 31st January – Saint John Bosco, Priest
9.30am – Intention of Fr Fred Sheldon
Saturday 1st February – Blessed Virgin Mary
10.00am – Deceased members of the Butler Family
Mass Intentions
If you would like to book a Mass Intention, please use the Mass Intention Envelopes available at the back of the church and put it through the office letter box with your contact number or see Jeanette Fernandes in the Parish Office. You are invited to include a stipend for the Mass which goes towards supporting your priests.
Offertory Donations
Donations for the Offertory Collection can be made in the offertory box or on our card reader terminals or by bank transfer to RCAS Blackheath, Account No: 34217479 Sort Code: 60-23-27. Please remember to Gift Aid if you are tax payer.
Regular Donation by Standing Order
For regular donations you can set up a standing order whereby the money is transferred from your bank account to that of the Parish on a weekly or monthly basis. Please complete the pledge form available at the back of the Church. Please remember to Gift Aid if you are tax payer.
Parish Safeguarding Representative
Dr Cornelia Black has decided to resign as our Parish Safeguarding Representative. On behalf of the parish we thank Dr Cornelia for her many years of service to the parish in this area. We welcome our new Parish Safeguarding Representative Theresa Freeburn. Theresa’s contact details are on the notice board in the porch.
Thank You
The Justice & Peace Group would like to thank you all for your kind donations of gifts in support of their Christmas Tree gift appeal for the Jesuit Refugee Service UK. See thank you on notice board.
Jubilee Year Events
1) Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage to Rome for people with disabilities. Bishop Paul Hendricks is leading a pilgrimage to Rome for people with disabilities from 26th April to May 2025. The programme includes daily Mass, visit to the Holy Door, option of the sacrament of reconciliation as well as meeting with the Holy Father at St Peter’s Square. For more information and to register, contact Kairos Forum directly on
2) Archdiocese of Southwark Jubilee event at the Friars, Aylesford on Saturday 7 June 2025.
Online Monthly Evening Retreat: Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Year
FCJ Spirituality Centre London invites you toi their monthly ONLINE evening retreats, a reflective and prayerful time on a Thursday evening. For details email
St. George’s Cathedral Young Adults Group
The young adult’s group for those aged 18-35 meets weekly on a Thursday at the Cathedral. There is also a monthly Young Adults Mass on the first Sunday of each month at the Cathedral. To stay updated on the group’s activities, follow on facebook/instagram @stgeorgesya or email
Vocation Weekend for Women Friday 21 – Sunday 23rd February
The Faithful Companions of Jesus are having a vocations weekend for women in their 20s and 30s to explore more about religious life and meet with others who are discerning. The event takes place at the FCJ Centre, St Hugh’s, Liverpool. For further details please email
Flame 2025
Flame is the largest Catholic Youth event in the UK (for those aged from school year 9 to university) and is taking place on Saturday 15 March 2025 from 11am – 6pm, at Wembley Arena. Picking up on the theme for the Jubilee Year, “Pilgrims of Hope” the Flame theme is “Unstoppable” – Fan the Flame of Hope. For further details and to book visit’s Bar 2025 – 6 – 11 April 2025 Worth Abbey Crawley
Joel’s Bar is the Young Adults ministry of Celebrate Trust, serving those aged 18-28! The Joel’s Bar (JB) team are passionate about seeing young people inspired and equipped to live a Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit. They offer a space for young adults to encounter the living God and explore their faith in an environment that is built on community and fellowship. There is something for everyone at JB with the timetable made up of various ways to engage both with God and each other. This includes the Sacraments, Praise and Worship, Prayer Ministry, personal prayer, small group discussion, workshops, sports, evenings of entertainment and lots of time to socialise and build community in the Cafe and Bar! For further details and to book please visit
Men’s Spiritual Exercises, 30 March – 4 April 2025
A 5-day version of the Ignatian Exercises offered specifically for men (whether lay or ordained) at the Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst, this retreat will be led by the Benedictine Monks of St Joseph’s Abbey, France. One-to-one direction will be offered alongside the talks. For more information please visit