NEWSLETTER  –  Second Sunday of the Year C

Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday. Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 9.30am and Saturday Morning 10am

Adoration & Benediction: Friday 10am-11am.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday 18th January –
2nd Sunday of the Year C
6.30pm – Holy Souls

Sunday 19th January – 2nd Sunday of the Year C

9.30am – People of the Parish

11.00am – Holy Souls

5.00pm – Margaret Mary Alderman RIP

Monday 20th January – Saint Sebastian, Martyr

9.30am – Elizabeth Nicholls RIP

Tuesday 21st January – Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

9.30am – Maria O’Malley RIP

Wednesday 22nd January – Feria

9.30am – Holy Souls

Thursday 23rd January – Feria

9.30am – Intention of Margaret O’Leary

Friday 24th January – Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

9.30am – Intention of Aisling O’Driscoll

Saturday 25th January – The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle

10.00am – Exam Success and God’s Protection for our Children

Mass Intentions
If you would like to book a Mass Intention, please use the Mass Intention Envelopes available at the back of the church and put it through the office letter box with your contact number or see Jeanette Fernandes in the Parish Office. You are invited to include a stipend for the Mass which goes towards supporting your priests.

Offertory Donations
Donations for the Offertory Collection can be made in the offertory box or on our card reader terminals or by bank transfer to RCAS Blackheath, Account No: 34217479 Sort Code: 60-23-27. Please remember to Gift Aid if you are tax payer.

Regular Donation by Standing Order
For regular donations you can set up a standing order whereby the money is transferred from your bank account to that of the Parish on a weekly or monthly basis. Please complete the pledge form available at the back of the Church. Please remember to Gift Aid if you are tax payer.

Today is Peace Sunday
Pax Christi is the Catholic movement for peace in England & Wales. The work of Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Their vision is for a world where  people can live in peace, without fear of violence. They works to abolish war and create communities of peace and justice. To find out more visit There are envelopes from Pax Christi at the back of the Church.

Jubilee Year 2025
For this year of special grace in 2025, the Holy Father has chosen the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”. The 2025 Jubilee Year is intended to be a year of hope and trust for a world facing so many challenges; from war and poverty, to famine and the protection of the planet. The Archdiocese will be running events, publishing resources, prayer materials and a major event in Aylesford on the 7th June 2025.

Building a Better Marriage Saturday 25th January 2025 9.30am – 4.30pm
This day, held at St. Stephen’s parish hall, Welling, starting at 9.30am until 4.30pm, is a day in which married couples can privately explore their relationship more deeply and gain valuable insights into the communication and the call of the Church to the married. There is no charge for this course. Booking is essential – please contact Carole on or phone 07983 524 727. Refreshments will be provided but please bring a packed lunch.

St. George’s Cathedral Young Adults Group
The young adults group for those aged 18-35 meets weekly on a Thursday at the Cathedral. There is also a monthly Young Adults Mass on the first Sunday of each month at the Cathedral. To stay updated on the group’s activities, follow on facebook/instagram @stgeorgesya or email

Flame 2025
Flame is the largest Catholic Youth event in the UK (for those aged from school year 9 to university) and is taking place on Saturday 15 March 2025 from 11am – 6pm, at Wembley Arena. Picking up on the theme for the Jubilee Year, “Pilgrims of Hope” the Flame theme is “Unstoppable” – Fan the Flame of Hope. For further details and to book visit

Joel’s Bar 2025  –  6 – 11 April 2025  Worth Abbey Crawley
Joel’s Bar is the Young Adults ministry of Celebrate Trust, serving those aged 18-28! The Joel’s Bar (JB) team are passionate about seeing young people inspired and equipped to live a Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit. They offer a space for young adults to encounter the living God and explore their faith in an environment that is built on community and fellowship. There is something for everyone at JB with the timetable made up of various ways to engage both with God and each other. This includes the Sacraments, Praise and Worship, Prayer Ministry, personal prayer, small group discussion, workshops, sports, evenings of entertainment and lots of time to socialise and build community in the Cafe and Bar! For further details and to book please visit

Men’s Spiritual Exercises, 30 March – 4 April 2025
A 5-day version of the Ignatian Exercises offered specifically for men (whether lay or ordained) at the Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst, this retreat will be led by the Benedictine Monks of St Joseph’s Abbey, France. One-to-one direction will be offered alongside the talks. For more information please visit

Food Bank Items – It would greatly be appreciated if you could donate any food items to support our local food banks.Usual items are needed, tinned meat & fish, pasta, pasta sauces, long life milk, rice etc. Please leave items in food bank basket in the porch. Thank you.  

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