Newsletter 3rd November 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Holy Hour Wednesday 13th November 5.30pm-6.30pm

The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill will have its Second Reading on 29th November 2024, and The Archbishop has asked that we, as an archdiocese, come together in prayer and action to uphold the dignity of human life.We will therefore be holding a Holy Hour with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday 13th November from 5.30pm-6.30pm. Please write to your MP to ask them to oppose this dangerous threat to the dignity and value of human life. The following link will provide you with the details of your local MP

Masses for the Holy Souls during November

Envelopes have been printed to enable you to place the names of the deceased in them, and hand them in so that they can be included in our Masses for the dead throughout November. A Mass stipend may also be included at your discretion.

Meeting For First Holy Communion Parents

The deadline for 1st Holy Communion enrolment has now passed. The enrolment Mass is on Sunday 10th November at 9:30am. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.

Confirmation 2025

The new forms for the Confirmation programme will be given out after Masses next week. Please fill out the forms and return them by the end of November. The sessions will begin in January.

Manna Centre Appeal

Next weekend there will be an appeal to support the work of “Manna Homeless Men’s Centre.”

Little Quavers Music for Toddlers, Babies and Carers.

A brand new music class lead by experienced practitioner is starting on 18th November on Mondays 10.30- 12 noon in the Angelus Room Fun music activities for you and your baby/toddler followed by refreshments which are included in the price. Places limited.  For further information or to secure a place in the class call or text Theresa on +447806 473785 or email

Cost £10 or £40 for block booking of 5 classes in advance.


The recent collection in aid of CAFOD raised £431.36.

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