All Saints Day
On Friday 1st November the Solemnity of All Saints there will be Masses at 9.30am and 7.30pm.
Masses for the Holy Souls during November
Praying for the dead is a long-standing Christian tradition. In November we particularly remember those who have died. Envelopes have been printed to enable you to place the names of the deceased in them, and hand them in so that they can be included in our Masses for the dead throughout November. A Mass stipend may also be included at your discretion.
Meeting For First Holy Communion Parents
The deadline for 1st Holy Communion enrolment has now passed. The enrolment Mass is on Sunday 10th November at 9:30am. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm in the Church Hall.
Church Cleaning
Church cleaning takes place on Saturdays after the 10am Mass. All are welcome to come and help. Within the next few weeks a rota will be established when the church is at a good general level of cleanliness. If you would like to join the regular rota please put your name down on the sign up sheet at the back of the church.
Justice & Peace Group Meeting
St Mary’s Justice & Peace Group meet today at 12.00 in the Angelus Room.
Readers Rota
We’re looking for readers to join the weekly rota for 2025. We welcome parents and children who would like to share in proclaiming God’s word at the 9.30 Family Mass. Please contact Clodagh Woodall ( if you feel you can aid our Liturgical worship in this way.
Children’s Liturgy
The Children’s Liturgy continues to run in the Angelus room every Sunday during the 9.30 Mass. All children that are participating begin Mass in the church with their families, and then Fr Paul or Fr Frazer will bless the Bible for the children to take to liturgy group and they will then go to the Angelus room, there continues to be a rota of parents leading the liturgy and we welcome more volunteers. A DBS check will be required.