29th September 2024 – 26th Sunday Year B


Sunday Masses:  Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

Sunday 9.30am, 11am, 5pm

Confessions: Saturday 12-1pm or by appointment

Weekday Masses: Monday- Friday 8am and Saturday Morning 10am

Parish Email

Please note that the only email address now for all correspondence with your priests at Our Lady Help of Christians is blackheathvillage@rcaos.org.uk Please do NOT use stm.blackheath@tiscali.co.uk. Thank you.

New 1st Holy Communion Course Forms Available

The 1st Holy Communion Course will begin on 16th November. Parents will need to take a new form which will be available this Sunday after Masses. Please see Fr. Paul or Fr. Frazer to obtain a form. The previous forms were non-GDPR compliant, and therefore, even if you filled out the previous form you still need to take a new form and return it by 20th October. You MUST INCLUDE your child’s Baptism Certificate if they were not baptised here at St Mary’s. There will be a meeting for parents on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm in the parish hall.

Confirmation Course

New forms for the Confirmation Course will be released in due course.

Parish Catechists Required

We are still looking for Catechists who are available and willing to help run the 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation courses. Please come forward if you feel able to help our young people in preparing for these great sacraments. A DBS background check will be required.

The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies

The CCRS is a knowledge-based, internationally recognised qualification that provides participants with an understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith.  It enhances the understanding that education within the Church is a life-long process which leads to greater intimacy with Jesus Christ.  This course presents the basic foundational teachings of the Catholic Church in a manner that is captivating, inspiring, and applicable.  The CCRS is designed and intended to support the Archbishop’s vision of missionary parishes and schools by cultivating an evangelistic spirit.  Participants will be equipped to make an informed and practical contributions to their chosen field of ministry within the Church. Please visit aec.rcaos.org.uk/ccrs for further information. Closing date for applicants this year is 4 November 2024.

CAFOD Appeal

This weekend representatives from CAFOD will be making an appeal in advance of a collection next week. Envelopes are at the back of the church.

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